
Sunday, April 1, 2012


Discussion text adalah text yang membahas suatu masalah yang memberikan lebih
daripada satu pendapat yaitu pendapat yang mendukung atau pendapat yang setuju terhadap pokok permasalahan dan yang kedua adalah pendapat yang menentang atau yang tidak setuju terhadap pokok permasalahan.

Pokok permasalahan ( issue )
Adalah masalah yang akan didiskusikan.
Pendapat ( argument / opinion )
Adalah pendapat pendapat yang di berikan oleh si penulis.
Pendapat ini ada dua yaitu pendapat yang bersifat postif dan pendapat yang bersifat negatif.
·         Positif ( Argument for )
Adalah pendapat yang setuju atau mendukung terhadap pokok permasalahan.
·         Negatif ( Argument againts)
Adalah pendapat yang tidak setuju atau tidak mendukung terhadap pokok permasalahan.
Kesimpulan ( conclution )
Adalah hasil dari pembahasan pokok permasalahan atau pendapat pribadi dari penulis.

         There was a lot of discussion about whether boxing should be banned.
            The people who agree with this idea, such as miftahuddin, claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear something to protect their heads. They also argue that people who do boxing could have brain damage and get seriously hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that have died did have families.
            However, there are also strong arguments againts this point of view. Another of people believe that boxing should not bo banned. They say why was it invented if it is such a dangerous sport. They say boxing is good sport because poeple enjoy it. A further reason is that if they ban boxing it will ruin people’s careers.
            After looking at the different points of view and the evidence for them, I think boxing should be banned because five hundred people died in boxing since 1884.

1.      Who is miftahuddin? he is…….
a.      One of the people who disagrees with boxing
b.      One of the people who agrees with boxing
c.       One of the people who dislikes boxing
d.      One of the people who carries on boxing
e.       One of the people whose hobby is boxing
2.      What issue does the text discuss?
a.       Boxing causes death
b.      Boxing should be banned
c.       Boxing is a good sport
d.      Boxing is a dangerous sport
e.       Boxing causes brain damage
3.      There are the reasons why boxing should be banned, EXCEPT…
a.       The boxers should protect their heads
b.      The boxers could get a seriously hurt
c.       The boxers causes brain damage
d.      The boxers could get brain damage
e.       The boxers who died have families
4.      They also argue that people who do boxing….”
The underline word in paragraph 2 refers to….
a.       Miftahuddin
b.      The writer
c.       People who agrees with boxing
d.      People who disagrees with boxing
e.       All the answers are correct
5.      Paragraph 4 is about…of the text
a.       Issue
b.      Argument for
c.       Argument againts
d.      Orientation
e.       Conclution

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