
Friday, January 6, 2012


Adalah teks yang bertujuan menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu. Kita menggunakan teks ini jika kita harus menulis hal hal seperti : komputer, olahraga, tanaman, buah – buahan dll

Ciri Ciri Teks :
1. Berfokus pada fakta - fakta tentang subyek/topik, deskripsi dan informasi tentang bagian – bagian, perilaku dan kualitas hal yang sedang dilaporkan
2. menggunakan istilah teknis / generik yang berhubungan dengan subyek yang sedang disampaikan.
3. Menggunakan tenses simple present 

Ada beberap jenis laporan, yaitu, laporan di koran yang menyampaikan fakta dari peristiwa, yang memuat siapa, apa, kapan, mengapa. Laporan ilmiah menyampaikan fakta atau kesimpulan dari penelitian atau pengamatan.
Bersifat non – fiktif ( nyata )

Langkah Langkah Mengembangkan Teks Report
1. Tulis sebuah pernyataan pembuka yang mengenalkan subyek / topik ( apa, siapa, kapan, dimana, mengapa, bagaimana )
2. Kalimat / paragraf menggunkan ciri khusus ( bagian, kualitas, kebiasaan, perilaku, ) dari subyek
3. Kesimpulan yang menyimpulkan informasi yang disampaikan

Contoh Teks Report
Energy is something that we need to do our activities. We will be able to do our activities if we have energy and, in return, we will not be able to do our activities if we have no energy. We can get energy from everything that we eat. The thing gets energy from the sun.
The sun gives its energy to the whole world. The sun gives its energy in the form of heat. Some of the heat energy comes to plants. The plants absorb the heat energy by using their green substance. The green substance is called chlorophyll.
The chlorophyll changes the heat energy into chemical energy. Then the chlorophyll uses the chemical energy to combine the carbon dioxide from the air with the water from the soil. The chlorophyll uses the chemical energy to combine the carbon dioxide with the water to make starch and other compounds. The starch and other complicated compounds are the food for us and for other living things.
To satisfy their need to the energy, people take it from plants like from the rice, the corn or the cassava. However, people do not eat the plants directly from the farm like birds and rats. The people must change the plants into food in order to be ready to be eaten. To change those things into food, the people must cook first. To cook those things, the people need energy in the form of heat.
To get the heat energy, people must burn firewood. The firewood originates from vegetation. The vegetation can provide the heat energy because the vegetation has carbohydrate. The vegetation obtains the carbohydrate when it grows. With the aid of the sun, the vegetation forms the carbohydrate by combining carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. So, carbohydrate is a part of the vegetation, which is needed by us when we need the heat energy.

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